Scams To Watch For After The Holidays

By Osgood Bank on January 9, 2023
Scams To Watch For After The Holidays
Osgood Bank
Osgood Bank

Post-Holiday-ScamsAfter the holiday season, it's common for people to be more vulnerable to scams due to the financial strain of gift-giving and travel. Here are some common scams to watch out for and how to protect yourself:

  1. Charity scams: With people in a giving mood during and after the holidays, charity scams often ramp up. Be sure to research any charity before making a donation, as some scams will use a fake charity name that sounds similar to a legitimate one.

  2. Travel scams: After the holiday hustle, you may be looking forward to a spring break vacation. Scammers may try to take advantage of people planning their travels by offering fake deals on flights, hotels, and vacation rentals. To protect yourself, always book through a reputable company or website and be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.

  3. Employment scams: Be wary of job offers that seem too good to be true or require you to pay for training or supplies. Legitimate employers should not ask for money from job applicants.

  4. Debt relief scams: After the holiday season, people may be struggling with debt and may be more susceptible to scams promising to help consolidate or eliminate their debt. Be cautious of any company that asks for upfront fees or guarantees to eliminate your debt.

  5. Lottery and sweepstakes scams: Scammers may try to convince you that you've won a lottery or sweepstakes, but in order to claim your prize, you'll need to pay a fee or provide personal information. Remember, if you didn't enter a contest, you can't win it.

  6. Phishing scams: These scams involve receiving an email or message pretending to be from a legitimate company or individual, asking for login information or other personal details. Be sure to double-check the sender's email address and never click on links or download attachments from unfamiliar sources. Pay special attention to emails claiming to be companies such as Amazon trying to "contact you about your order". When in doubt, contact the company through a reputable point of contact.

  7. Tech support scams: These scams involve a caller claiming to be from a tech support company and stating that there is an issue with your computer. They may ask for access to your computer or for you to provide personal information. Remember, legitimate tech support companies should not call you out of the blue.

  8. Investment scams: Scammers may try to convince you to invest in a fake or risky investment opportunity. Be sure to thoroughly research any investment before turning over your money.

shutterstock_1193141038Here are some tips to protect yourself from scams:

  1. Don't rush into decisions: Scammers often try to pressure you into making a quick decision. Take your time and think things through before committing to anything.

  2. Research the company: Look up the company online and see if there are any red flags or complaints.

  3. Be cautious of offers that seem too good to be true: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

  4. Don't give out personal information: Be careful about giving out personal information, such as your social security number, credit card number, or bank account information.

  5. Don't wire or send money via payment apps (Zelle®, Venmo, PayPal) to strangers: It's difficult to get money back once you've sent it, so avoid wiring money to anyone you don't know. 

  6. Use secure websites: When making online purchases or entering personal information, be sure to use a secure website. Look for the "https" in the URL and a padlock icon.

  7. Be diligent: Ensure you're using strong passwords to safeguard your information.

By following these tips and being cautious of potential scams, you can protect yourself and your financial well-being after the holiday season.

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